PROM 2025
🪩 Neon Nights and Disco Lights 🪩
Thank you for booking Prom 2025 photos online. Meythaler Photography will be photographing the Greene County Prom this year!
All photos will be taken at Wild Rose Casino 6:30 PM 9:00 PM. Please pick and choose the options you would like to have photographed at the dance. The main session for prom will include two digital images of you and your date. You can add a group session with two downloadable digital images. Please note that this year, we do not include prints or products. You can download the digital photos one week after the dance on April 19th, 2025. All images will be put into an online gallery on our website for easy access. Your access information in the gallery will be at the bottom of your receipt in your email, so please do not delete the email. We will ask for proof of ordering the session, so please have a copy of your order on you or in your email. If you choose to purchase a photo and you never show up, there will not be a refund.
Please take note that you will need a phone, tablet or computer to access these images and a cell service or internet to download the images. We will not be taking orders the day of the session, so please have everything picked out and ordered online before the dance. It would be helpful to us if you could have a copy of your order the day of the session. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL AFTER MAKING A PURCHASE. IF YOU DO NOT SEE AN EMAIL PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN EMAIL AFTER CHECKING BOTH PLEASE CONTACT US RIGHT AWAY.